ASAP = as soon as possible 儘快
Attn. = attention 給~ (收信人)
FYI = For Your Information 供您參考
NRN = No Reply Necessary 不需回信
P.S. = Postscript 附註
R.S.V.P. = (法語) Repondez s'il vous plait 請您回信
TYIA = Thank You In Advance 先謝謝您了
b/w = between 在~之間
cf. = (拉丁語) confer = compare 請參考,比較
c/o = care of 由~轉交
e.g. = (拉丁語) exempli gratia = for example 例如
etc. = (拉丁語) et cetera = and so on 等等
i.e. = (拉丁語) id est = that is = in other words 也就是說
msg. = message 訊息, 留言
mtg. = meeting 會議
pls. = please 請
thru = through 透過
w/ = with 和~
w/o = without 沒有~