相信,應有不少站長需要這則訊息吧?  〈我喵了就算〉
訪問Google的Webmaster工具 http://www.google.com/webmasters/,點網站管理員工具(包括 Sitemaps) ,查看網站的具體違規頁面,並且進行糾正。
發郵件給 appeals@stopbadware.org,申請重新審核,我發的郵件內容是:
前段時間我因為出差沒有好好管理我的網站,造成了網站被人惡意的掛馬,在我網頁裏面加了一段惡意 JS 代碼,通過該 JS 代碼對訪問者的電腦進行惡意的安裝軟件。
該代碼已經被我刪除了半個月了,我依然可以看到  「訪問該網站可能會損害您的電腦」警告,所以我申請貴小組訪問我的網址確認不含有惡意代碼,並移除該警告。
We have received and processed your request for review of your website,  It appears that your site does not currently host or distribute badware.  As such, the Google warning page for your site has either already been removed or should be removed shortly.  In addition, if your site has been listed in our Badware Website Clearinghouse, we will be removing your site from the Clearinghouse list.
Sometimes website owners are confused about why Google placed a warning in the search results for their site.  In many cases, a website run by an innocent site owner has been hacked by a malicious third party, causing the site to distribute badware without the site owner's knowledge.  If your site was distributing badware because it has been hacked, then simply removing the bad code from your site is not enough to keep your site clean in the future.  You will also need to work with your hosting provider to fix all security vulnerabilities associated with your site.
Please note that we will be retesting your website at periodic intervals in order to monitor that it remains free from badware.  If we find that you are hosting or distributing badware in the future, the reviews process may take considerably longer than the original review.
Answers to commonly asked questions from site owners who are the subject of Google warnings can be found at:  http://stopbadware.org/home/faq#partnerwarnings
For tips on keeping your website clean and secure, please visit:  http://stopbadware.org/home/security
The StopBadware Team

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